Saturday, November 22, 2008


I love my family and friends. If I like something, I am passionate about it. My husband says I am very dramatic, I don't know why he thinks that! My husband, Shane, and I just celebrated our thirteenth anniversary. He is my best friend and my confidant. The longer we are together, the better our relationship becomes. My girls, Kiersten-9, and Breanna-7 are both incredibly beautiful and intelligent!! They are very good girls and are precious to me. I am currently writing a book, with the help of my good friend, Karen. Hopefully I will have it finished in a few months.


Staci said...

Hey, love the blog! I need to set one up for the Kids Ministry at CCC! I may need you to help me!

Can't wait to have you in Columbus!

joloscope said...
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joloscope said...

Hi, Elena! Great to find you on here. Just wanted to write & say we can't wait to have you all in Columbus & are excited about what God is going to do!

What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

I'm sure you're thankful to have yesterday's service now behind you. How are your girls doing with everything? Continuing to pray as you journey through this time of transition & change.

Please don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything at all we can do to help!

Shane said...
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Elena said...

Hi Lori! My parents are coming for Thanksgiving. They will be here on wednesday. Are you going to Youngstown for the holiday?
Have a great week!
Love ya!

joloscope said...
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joloscope said...

Hi, Elena! Oh, that's great that your parents are coming for Thanksgiving! Mine are supposed to come either today or tomorrow, depending on the weather. I guess they're forecasted to get snow today and tomorrow, so whatever works out best is fine by us.

We'll be having Thanksgiving at our house this year. My brother Scott and his family are coming over, in addition to my parents, and then we've invited another family from church, the Snavleys, over as well. Should be a fun time!

Well, if I don't talk to you before, I pray you all have a great Thanksgiving! We have a lot to be thankful for, don't we?! Most specifically, we're so grateful the Lord has seen fit to bless CCC with you as our pastoral family! We're also excited to see what He has in store and are thankful for the gift God has given us in all of you ... You're in our hearts already!!
